Home > Komputer & Alat Kantor > Keyboard & Mouse > Micropack Mouse Wirelees Blue-Tech - BLACK GOLD
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Micropack Mouse Wirelees Blue-Tech - BLACK GOLD

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Dilihat : 1786 x
Rp 38.000
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- 1 +
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Deskripsi Produk :
Kondisi Produk : Layak Pakai
Spesifikasi :
- Wireless technology : RF 2.4GHz
- Wireless range : approx 10 meters
- Sensor : Blue-tech optical sensor
- Resolution : 1200 DPI
- Numbers of buttons : 3(Left key, right key, scroll)

Kekurangan :
- Sensor kadang telat
- Box agak kotor
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Micropack Mouse Wirelees Blue-Tech - BLACK GOLD